cavity prevention

How Long Should You Brush?

Doctor Teichmiller and the American Dental Association recommend two minutes as a minimum time for brushing. Most people think they brush that long but would be surprised if they actually set a timer. Most of us only brush for about a minute, if that. Decatur Smiles provides preventative dentistry. We work with our patients to

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3 Tips To Make Brushing Count

Many of Doctor Stephanie Teichmiller’s patients walk in for full-mouth rehabilitation and comprehensive care, cosmetic, or dentures and implants. Many for routine checkups and cleanings. And most really want to know if they are brushing properly. Having patients come for treatment and leave with questions answered—from which toothpaste to buy to proper tools and techniques—is

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Why Sports Drinks Put Teeth At Risk in Decatur

Many health-conscious people exercise regularly, and some depend on sports drinks for hydration. While it’s true that they help preserve electrolyte levels in the body (and pose fewer health risks than energy drinks), their acidity can erode tooth enamel. And when tooth enamel is compromised, those pearly whites are more staining, discoloration, and decay. Nobody

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Tooth Sensitivity Treatment At Decatur Smiles

Have you ever been eating an ice cream cone when you encountered a sudden zap of pain in one of your teeth? If the enamel has eroded, or the gums have receded, the dentin layer of the tooth is exposed. The substances that cause tooth pain travel to the pulp where the nerves of the

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Are You Watching For Cavities in Decatur?

Currently, around 90% of adults have cavities and almost 30% have untreated cavities. However, by taking a few required precautions, we can stave off tooth decay and lower our chances of getting cavities. At Decatur Smiles, cavity prevention is incredibly important to us. What causes a cavity? Every time we eat or drink, plaque bacteria

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