Decatur Smiles Blogger

How Sedation Dentistry Can Ease Your Dental Anxiety in Decatur

Feeling nervous about an upcoming dental procedure? You’re certainly not alone. Dental anxiety is incredibly common, with many patients feeling overwhelmed at the thought of sitting in a chair. Fortunately, there’s a solution that can help you relax and feel at ease—sedation dentistry. Here in Decatur, Dr. Stephanie Teichmiller and the compassionate team at Decatur

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Why Healthy Gums Are Essential for a Bright Smile in Decatur

When you think about oral health, your teeth probably come to mind first. While sparkling white teeth are important, your gums play an equally critical role in ensuring your overall health. Here in Decatur, AL, Dr. Stephanie Teichmiller, DMD, and the team at Decatur Smiles are passionate about helping patients maintain healthy gums. From North

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Discover the Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry in Decatur, AL

Are you dreaming of a brighter, straighter, or more confident smile? Cosmetic dentistry doesn’t just transform your appearance it can improve your oral health, boost your self-esteem, and leave you with a smile you’re proud to show off. If you’re in Decatur, AL, Dr. Stephanie Teichmiller and the team at Decatur Smiles are the experts

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Not Happy With Your Dentist?

Not happy with your dentist? Looking for a new one? There are plenty of us out there. A quick Google search, a patient review or two, and you’ll have a short list of possibilities. The trick is finding a dentist you’re happy with! At Decatur Smiles in Decatur AL, we’re proud of our positive online

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Can You Name 9 Dental Specialties?

Most people probably know how a pediatric dentist differs from an orthodontist. But you may not know that there are multiple dental specialties. This post from Decatur Smiles in Decatur AL looks at the disciplines within dentistry. Endodontics: This area focuses on dental pulp and periradicular tissues. If you need a root canal, you may

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There’s No Substitute for a Toothbrush and Floss

Many dental patients wonder why, with all the advances in dentistry, we still send you home with a complimentary toothbrush and roll of floss. We at Decatur Smiles in Decatur AL can tell you that there is no substitute for the classic toothbrush and floss. The Most Important Tools to Keep Your Smile Healthy It’s

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Treatment For Stress-Induced Jaw Pain

Everyday stress can cause some people to clench their jaw or grind their teeth. This in turn can aggravate or even lead to TMJ disorder, which is treatable at Decatur Smiles in Decatur AL. The temporomandibular joints are the muscles, tendons, and bones that connect the jaw to the skull.  They’re among the most complex

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Is Your Smile In A World Of Hurt?

Do you have extreme tooth damage, bone loss, or few to no remaining teeth? This post from Decatur Smiles in Decatur AL is for anyone whose mouth is in a world of hurt. We understand how dental issues impact you every day of your life. Whatever the cause of the condition – severe mouth injury,

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Is Your Smile Holding You Back?

In this post from Decatur Smiles in Decatur AL, we begin with something we’d classify as Murphy’s Law: one of those things that’s bound to happen. You leave the house on a pressing errand, looking completely disheveled. Inevitably, you bump into someone you know. How do you feel in your ill-fitting sweatpants and stained T-shirt?

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Dental Health: Don’t Leave The Party Early!

At Decatur Smiles in Decatur AL, we are busy ringing in the New Year, same as you. But we decided to take a break in order to remind any patients, potential or recurring, to brush, floss, and watch what they eat during these holidays. As much as we despise being the serious ones during such

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